Tuesday, 12 August 2008

Hamdilah Kamaluddin

I had the pleasure to work with Hamdilah during Fasha's and Wadi's wedding. He came across to me as a very easy-going and friendly person. And, he struck me as very kind and generous too.

I was the 85mm shooter for Hitam Puteh during the Nikah ceremony that was held in the living room packed with guests. Movement was difficult as I was permanently stationed during the ceremony among guests and photographers. With no chance of movement, holding an 85mm limited my variety of shots of the groom and the actual climax of the ceremony since the Imam's back was facing me. Hamdilah was kind to offer me his spot as we tried to shift as politely in between tight spaces. And, how gracious is he to offer me, almost a stranger, his wide lens! Mind you, lenses are very precious to photographers and not many would offer their lenses without question nor hesitation. Well, at least, not to a newbie like myself.

Our exchanges about photography was pleasant and he helped enabled the live view function on my camera! So sakai, eh! Maybe ignorant is more the word. While our meeting was brief, I hold respect for a photographer as generous and helpful as Hamdilah and look forward to working with him again.

Here are some of his photos and you may click on any of them to enter his photoblog.

Sunday, 10 August 2008

CS Orientation - Musical Chairs [060808]

We are a little too old for musical chairs, are we not? Like they say, there is always a little child in every one of us.

Team members had to compete among each other before the winners from each team had a final round that determines the ultimate winner.

CS Orientation - Pictionary [060808]

Next was a game of Pictionary where each team was given a list of items based on themes. Local fruits, places of interest, local fishes, and local food were some of the themes. Teams are allowed a few minutes of discussion before the timer starts.

I was put to co-lead the Ruby team and "Wasai Wong Kadir" being in our list of interesting local places was tough!

Team Java having their discussion before the drawing started.

Next, team PHP.

Team Ruby was struggling with local places as
you can see all written on our drawer's face.

Team Prolog seemed uncertain about their strategy with local food.

Guess? Ayam Tungking!

Lastly, team Lisp shared many laughters with us as well.

Saturday, 9 August 2008

CS Orientation - Jgn Lupa Lirik [060808]

Known as "Chinese Whispers", team members are to pass the lyrics of a verse from one member to the other until the last member gets the correct message. Members were shuffled into other teams for balance and fairness with the other teams. There were a total of 5 teams, each named after a programming language; Java, PHP, Ruby, Prolog and Lisp.

The organisers are in discussion of the event flow.

Here are some of the teams.

The message gets sent! Line gets rather faulty as some participants
are having difficulty maintaining focus.

CS Orientation - Get Signatures [060808]

On 6th August 2008, the final year students of BSc Computer Science in UBD teamed up with the student advisor to organise a fun-filled event for the computer science students to mingle with one another. Held at the hall in the male hostel, the event started slow with many arriving late but once the games started rolling, the momentum of the event picked up and quite enjoyably, the afternoon passed.

The first activity was to get everyone to get the signatures of everyone else.
Strange thing was, I heard students blurting my name out to several other male
lecturers, thinking they go by that name!

What joy, what luxury!

Indeed, what luxury it is to have a day off practice. The BPY08 have been practising every single night for our cultural performance to be held at the end of the month. It's an awesome and liberating feeling to be free from the long-hour practices.

For the first time in many weeks, I was having dinner at the most enjoyable pace. Mum made tonic soup and I had a humongous bowl of it. My sister was busy pointing out how sweet her "kampong" chicken made the soup. Apparently, someone gave her a slaughtered "kampong" chicken with the insides still intact. Mum had the domestic helper cleaned the chicken before making it for soup.

Besides an essay plus some editing work, I could practically idle though I most often use what little free time I have to edit photos obsessively.